Thursday, August 8, 2013

Simple Monster Patterns

One of the first projects my students are going to make next year will be the simple monster made from two pieces of fabric. They will choose one of five ready made patterns. They will be allowed to decorate the monsters as they so choose. 

I made the patterns for these monsters today. I got a lot of inspiration off of Pinterest so I am not saying these are 100% unique, they are however hand drawn by me. 

My next step is to make an example of each of these monsters to test the patterns and use to show the students. 

That's all for now!

Mrs. G

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Okay so normally I'm not usually one to go blindly along with different trends, I don't have twitter, I barely use instagram, I don't even know what snap chat is! However Pinterest was something I started using in December 2012.... and I got quickly addicted.

So when I learned I would be teaching FS next year I started a board on Pinterest for inspiration and ideas about monsters.

Here is that board.


That's about it for now, I think I might spend some time in the craft room today and start on some more monster ideas.

We will see!

Mrs. G!